
Evil Captain Skinless

Page history last edited by thesaf007@... 16 years, 11 months ago

BIO:  When Jetpack Viking Died, some say that Captain Skinless changed.  His death affected EVERYONE on the team, but I think none more so than Captain Skinless.  You see,  in a desperate bid to save Jetpack Viking, Captain Skinless did literally everything in his power to save Jetpack Viking, taking countless heaps of pain and injury that would have killed a normal hero, nevermind a regular human, several times over.


It wasn't enough.  Jetpack Viking still died.  Captain Skinless held himself personally responsible for what occured, despite attempts from friends to convince him otherwise.  Despite everything that he tried, every trick he knew, it didn't work.  Captain skinless went through the greatest agony of his life that night.  It could be said that he died several deaths, if only from the sheer pain and trauma.


Something inside him changed.  Snapped.  He began to ask questions like "What am I doing?  Why am I a hero?  What went wrong?"

Altruism.  The Justice /Co/mrades put their hearts and souls into protecting the unappreciative people of the world.  The very same people who had elected Anomalous Norm.  They weren't worth protecting.  Why should he stick his neck on the line just to make sure a 2-bit crook sits in jail for a few months?  He decided that it had been "Going soft" on the criminals which had caused this series of events in the first place.  It was this mentality which had made him into a skinless freak.


No more.  No More.

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