The Justice /co/mrades

"We don't go seeking out bad people to beat on or problems to solve. They're not our problems to solve, and chances are they don't want our help. What we will do is defend our city- we like it, and we'd rather not have to rebuild it, thank you very much."
-Nicky Two-Vests, when asked why the /Co/mrades declined to chase down Captain Nascar in /O/
/Co/ City is founded on the principle of "love thy neighbor". But sometimes the neighbors come over the fence with torches and pitchforks for no explainable reason, and then it's time for the Justice /Co/mrades to make a show.
Originally founded by Nicky Two-Vests, Manny Quinn, and Jetpack Viking after the city's first encounter with the INTERNET HATE MACHINE, the /Co/mrades are /Co/ City's last line of defense, and seek to preserve the principles of love, friendship, creativity, and ice cream that all its denizens hold dear. From their base deep within the Teacup, the /Co/mrades and their massive funding hold an ever-vigilant watch, scanning the city for haters and ne'er-do-wells.
How It Started
There once was a time when /Co/ City was a wasteland of crime, stuck on the ground in between the borders of two bitterly rival nations (the name of one has been lost, but it is known that one of the nations was /A/). Through these streets roamed countless hoodlums and bandits, with the few heroes of the city operating scattered and remote. That is, until the INTERNET HATE MACHINE showed up. Its subsequent rampage across the city brought three powerful heroes together in combat against it- Nicky Two-Vests, Jetpack Viking, and Manny Quinn. Their combined might (and Nicky's plot armor) drove the IHM from the city, and as it left it took all the hate with it. Freed from their constant internicine fighting, the citizens used their newfound cooperation and creativity to do something that, at the time, seemed completely and utterly pointless- they gave their city flight. As /Co/ City rose into the air for the first time, the three superheroes shook hands in the town square. The Justice /Co/mrades were born.
Comrades In Arms: The Golden Age
Following the massive success of the first battle, superheroes were drawn to the /Co/mrades like ducks to water, and the newfound team was nearly overwhelmed by the sheer number of applicants. It took a whole day of rigorous screening before the final roster could be drawn up- seven stalwart superheroes total, with more to come at later dates.
It turned out to be very lucky, as /Co/ City soon found itself under siege by the IHM once more- but now, he had a cadre of evildoers on his side. So began the long, drawn-out struggle between the /Co/mrades and the HATE MACHINE's new Sageworthy Society for the control of the City of Unconditional Love- one to defend it, the other to destroy it.
Key Battles of this era include (in chronological order) the Second Battle of /Co/ City (and the subsequent backlash against mad scientists known as the Crackpot Crackdown), the Battle of Wayne Manor, the Charity Street Shootout, the Third Battle of /Co/ City, the Main Street Rumble, the Fourth Battle of /Co/ City, the Sutton Salt Plant Showdown, and the Nine to Five War. The final battle of the Golden Age was known as the Mid-Life Crisis, and marked several important points in /Co/ history, most notably the decision to found a second base known as the Summer Home.
Active Roster
Founding Members
(Key heroes in BOLD)
Regular Members
Trial Members
These members have J/co/ trial membership and minor benefits, as they have proven themselves as "heroes".
They aren't part of the main team, however, and don't generally act with them. Add heroes here:
Friends of the Justice /Co/mrades
Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 2:41 pm on Mar 18, 2008
Amazing said
at 5:23 pm on Jun 10, 2008
Trimmed down the Founding Heroes a bit- it makes sense, methinks. No-one has been removed, though- just shifted categories.
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