
Justice Conquerors

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

In a world gone mad, there isn't justice.  Not anymore.  No... there is only Conquest. 


Starting in the year XXXX, President Anomalous Norm took the oath of Office, and was sworn in as the President.  After a series of rising confrontations between Anomalous Norm, and the Justice /Co/mrades, it was only a matter of time before the Powderkeg Blew.  It all came to a head when Anomalous Norm killed Jetpack Viking.  This action set in motion the series of events which would cause their universe to differ from ours.


Enraged and shocked by what occured, the Justice /Co/mrades responded.  In force.  Due to the massive carnage that swept through the area, it's not generally udnerstood what occured beyond the most basic outline of events.  At around 11:30 at night, a group of enraged /Co/mrades assaulted the capital in a surgical strike going straight for the Oval Office.  Due to damage in the security feeds, it's unknown exactly which /Co/mrades took place in the assault.  However there was positive identification on Nicky Two-Vests, and Captain Skinless leading the assault.


Finally breaching through Presidetial Security, Nicky Two-Vests confronted Anomalous Norm.  His casual demeanor and lack of any emotion set Nicky Two-Vests off, and he killed the President with his knife.  Tainting it forever.


Renamed the Justice /Co/nquerors by the general public, they now rule over the world with an Iron fist, upholding "Justice" in a world that doesn't want them.  For some, the change is still hard to accept, and they are faced with the blatant fact that they may infact have become what they hate.  Others lie to themselves, trying to give purpose to their lives.  For some however, they simply don't care anymore.  Et tu Brutus?  Et tu?


At one point, the Demon Quephisto offered to retcon Anomalous Norm from ever taking office, thus saving Jetpack Viking.  He asked only for someone's marriage.  Unfortunately, there were no known married /co/nquerors, so instead the /co/nquerors beat the shit out of him.  Unfortunately, he escaped.


Characters with SERIOUS FUCKING CHANGES to their normal selves:

Evil Nicky Two-Vests

Evil Captain Skinless

Evil Nuclear Knight (Atomic Esquire)

Jetpack Viking

Anomalous Norm


Characters with notable changes to their normal selves:


Doctor Science

Grammar Nazi, The



Comments (3)

Anonymous said

at 8:25 am on Feb 23, 2008

I thought they were from an alternate universe?

Amazing said

at 10:25 am on Apr 10, 2008

This sounds cooler. It's also more fitting with the DARK AND GRITTY UP THE ASS feeling that plagued comics in the 90's.

Anonymous said

at 11:11 pm on Jun 9, 2008

I think i just came in my pants

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