Nicky Two-Vests
One of the Justice /co/mrades' founding members, Nicky Two-Vests is a crimefighter of almost unparalleled skill. Little is known about him, except that his real name is Nicodemus. Armed with only his knife and his two vests, he has taken down villains several times more powerful than he really has any right to be taking on. Although physically human, his strength and speed seem almost unnatural, causing many of his /co/mrades and villains alike to wonder if he has not been enhanced in some way. To date, all tests have indicated him as well within normal parameters.
Little is known about his life before joining the Justice /co/mrades. Historical documents dating back to the early 1800s, however, have been unearthed that suggest at the existence of a masked crimefighter, wielding a knife and wearing two vests. Whether this individual is connected to Nicky Two-Vests is unknown, but it has been theorized that either Nicky Two-Vests possesses a degree of immortality, allowing him to live for hundreds of years, or that the Two-Vests is a mantle passed down from generation, with Nicky as the most recent bearer. A smaller group of commentators has theorized that the Two-Vests depicted in the historical documents is in fact the Nicky Two-Vests of our era during a time-travel episode, or alternatively that the Nicky Two-Vests of our era is the Nicky Two-Vests of the past, in our time via time travel. A clear answer is impossible at this time, as Nicky steadfastly refuses to speak on the matter, and what if any connection this earlier man has to him.
Affiliation: The Justice /co/mrades
Status: Founding member
Comments (2)
Anonymous said
at 7:52 am on Oct 14, 2007
How do i used wiki?
Anonymous said
at 12:29 pm on Oct 15, 2007
Added a bit of sort-of backstory. Also fixed some formatting that was bothering me.
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