
The Incredible Bush

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years ago

     The Incredible Bush "posing for the chicks".


Bio: Born Jared Goldsbury, The Incredible bush hails from Minnesoda, USA. He was working in a nuclear power plant at the time and was distraught over his failing hairline. He was applying his daily tub of hair growth formula while "monitoring" the various readouts on the reactor. His negligence resulted in a waste line bursting and pouring radioactive refuse all over him. However, instead of being killed or horribly maimed, Jared's body hair began to grow out of control. Within seconds he was covered in thick, luxurious hair. The radioactive material had mixed with the hair growth formula and created a man with the fullest body of hair in history! When he inspected the inside of his pants(making sure everything was still there) the first word out of his mouth was "incredible". Thus The Incredible Bush was born!

Jared quit his job at the power plant and dedicated his life to showing off his amazing bod to the babes of the world, with some crime-fighting on the side. However, he was perplexed at what to do for a costume. Every good superhero has a costume, but how could he flaunt his manliness while spandex covered his visage? Then it hit him like a bathroom full of angry women: his hair would be his getup. He stripped down, tied a sash around his waist(so the ladies would have something to hold on to), donned his best shades and streaked off into the night. Look out world, The Incredible Bush is on the prowl!


Abilities: The Incredible Bush's powers are limited to mostly his fast-growing and dazzlingly large ammount of hair. However the hair is bulletproof to some extent. Some have speculated over who could grow a beard faster, Bush or Jetpack Viking. They have yet to test this in any storyline.


Status: Eligable Bachelor


Affiliations: The Justice /co/mrades remain skeptical about signing on a naked man who attempts to pinch the backside of any woman in the same room as he, but his crime-fighting abilities are impressive to say the least.

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